As published by Chamber of Commerce WA Business Pulse Magazine – page 27. Set achievable goals and work to your strengths – not weaknesses 2017 is already in full swing now! It seems like just yesterday we were unwinding after Christmas, breathing a deep sigh of reflection on the past year in business … what […]
[VIDEO] The Dangers of Drawing on Your Business Profits
Many business owners are not necessarily being paid a salary, in other words they’re not being paid a salary through the payroll but instead they are drawing profits as and when funds are available. But how does this affect your business and does it have an impact on your business?
[VIDEO] Why do you need to set a budget?
There are many benefits to setting a budget for your business. Find out how to plan for your business success!
End of Financial Year – Is it ‘Crunch Time’ for Your Business?
The months of May and June of each year are really crunch time months for many business owners. I am seeing evidence of this with many of the clients I work with. End of May is generally the deadline for small businesses to submit their income tax returns for the previous year. In other words, […]
How do I identify and communicate effective targets to my staff?
Identifying and communicating effective targets to your staff is the key to making the profit that you want in your business. Accountants often talk about a ‘break-even point’, something I call your ‘happy day’. This is the day of the month when you know that for the rest of the month, you are making a […]